23. March 2015
  HOUSEGARDEN   against snails
against snails

By now, before it is time to plant, one can prevent measures seize, so that we become somewhat less snails – who will certainly come to refresh itself in our fine salads and tasty flowers.

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for bending forward against snails: give approx. 1 tablespoon of biology-snail grain on the earth of the patches and put a reverse flowerpot about that. In order to weight and also as a rain protection cover the opening on top with a stone. 1 pot on approx. 6 square metres.

The fresh-slipped snails are drawn by the smell of the grain and approach from below and from the earth the grain.

Since I make this, I have much fewer snails.

Did you already know that one single snail produces in a season up to 600 descendants???

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