10. February 2015
  LIFESTYLE   Connys fashion high class
Connys fashion high class






We want to remind you, that in our days people still exist, which celebrate fashion high class. In our fast living century, fashion became a product, what is made of a period of short time, the style, the material and the workmanship. But not Haute Couture… Haute Couture is unique designed FASHION from famous designers. A Haute Couture dress exist only one time in the whole world. These are made from the highest quality materials and that makes it very expensive. A Haute Couture dress will live for centuries. Thanks for the collectors, the woman who likes to wear it and people like Conny. Am happy to have her as one of my best friends and I like to introduce her now to you.

Conny Wind is a native of Hamburg, Germany. She was living the last 15 years in Miami and moved back in her hometown last august.


Since 8 years she sells worldwide extraordinary vintage designer and haute couture fashion over her successful and unique online-store 20thcenturycouture.com. You don’t find any better selection of  vintage designer and Haute Couture pieces of this period of time. With her great idea of collecting only the best, her “know how“ and her passion she became the number one in the world for haute couture lovers.










look more on her homepage: www.20thcenturycouture.com

© Conny Wind

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